Ecuador’s Copa America campaign got off to a rocky start with a 1-2 defeat to Venezuela. Following the match, coach Felix Sanchez addressed the media, acknowledging the challenge but emphasizing the need to move forward and secure wins in their remaining group stage matches.

Reporter: Coach Sanchez, a disappointing start for Ecuador. How are you feeling after this loss?

Felix Sanchez: Naturally, we’re disappointed with the result. We came into the Copa America with high hopes, and losing the first match is a setback. However, it’s important to remember it’s just the first game. There are still points to be won, and we’ll be focusing all our efforts on securing victories in the remaining fixtures.

Reporter: You were sent off with a red card in the first half. Did that impact the team’s performance?

Felix Sanchez: It was certainly unfortunate. I take responsibility for the dismissal, and I apologize to my players and the fans. However, I have full faith in my coaching staff, and they did an admirable job managing the team in my absence.

Reporter: What changes will you be making for the next game?

Felix Sanchez: We’ll be reviewing the match footage and analyzing where we went wrong. We need to tighten up our defense and be more clinical in attack. We have a talented squad, and I’m confident we can bounce back from this defeat.

Reporter: Venezuela surprised many with their strong performance. How will you approach them tactically in the next meeting (if they face each other again in the tournament)?

Felix Sanchez: We acknowledge that Venezuela played well. They were well-organized and took their chances effectively. We’ll need to be better prepared if we face them again. We’ll be studying their tactics and devising a strategy to counter their strengths.

Reporter: Is there anything you’d like to say to the Ecuadorian fans?

Felix Sanchez: To our incredible fans, thank you for your unwavering support. We understand your disappointment, but we need you behind us now more than ever. We will keep fighting for every point and make you proud.

Reporter: Thank you, Coach Sanchez, for your time.

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